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Seminario de D. Gary Madden
El próximo martes, 6 de septiembre a las 12:00 h. en la Sala Klein, el Departamento organiza un nuevo Seminario titulado 'Broadband and Economic Growth: A Reassessment' y que será impartido por Gary Madden, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Perth WA Australia. El profesor Gary Madden es experto en Economía de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación con más de 30 años de experiencia. Imparte clases en la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Curtin en Australia como catedrático. Ha sido editor de las revistas Telecommunications Policy, Information Economics and Policy, e International Journal of Forecasting, entre otras.
This study questions whether broadband network penetration is a robust determinant of economic growth. For our preferred dynamic specification, penetration is statistically insignificant with speed (positively) and its interaction with penetration (negatively) impacting on growth. The negatively signed interaction term suggests increased speed is more important for countries with lower penetrations. In fact, the growth impact is significant only for six low-income countries with the lowest penetrations. Additionally, the economic returns are short-term in incidence. For a generic shock experienced by low-income countries, 40% of the total impact is immediate, with 80% occurring within 4 quarters. This empirical analysis is both timely and important as governments are in the process of allocating scarce resources to ambitious and costly broadband network infrastructure targets.