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Seminario de Dª Nuria Legazpe
El próximo miércoles, 15 de marzo a las 12:30 h. en la Sala Klein, el Departamento organiza un nuevo Seminario titulado 'Female employment and child care choices in Spain through the Great Recession' que será impartido por Dª Nuria Legazpe, profesora del Departamento de Economía Española e Internacional, Econometría e Historia e Instituciones Económicas de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.
Sus líneas de investigación se desarrollan en el ámbito de la economía laboral, especialmente con una perspectiva de género, estudiando la participación laboral de las mujeres y su relación con la maternidad. También ha abierto otra línea de investigación vinculada al análisis de la productividad investigadora en la universidad.
Abstract “Female employment and child care choices in Spain through the Great Recession”:
This paper analyses how the Great Recession has changed patterns in female employment and the demand for formal and informal child care in mothers of young children in a Mediterranean welfare state country: Spain. Our analytical strategy allow us to consider potential interdependencies amongst such decisions and their evolution along the economic cycle. The crisis has strengthen complementarities between mothers’ paid employment and their demand for formal care while weakened the one with informal care. It has also meant a larger trade-off between the two types of external care. Family composition is found to constrain female employment and demand for external child care more than household income. In the context of shrinking employment opportunities for both women (and, more particularly, their partners), sustaining and promoting family friendly policies proves crucial in countries like Spain, where more efforts should be made to de-familiarise care.